We can take over development of existing websites.
Perhaps you feel that it’s not performing as well as you’d like? Or perhaps you’ve had it a number of years and feel that it needs a refresh?

Whatever the reason, we can help.

If your existing website isn’t doing its job – securing new customers, generating sales, promoting your business effectively – then it may require a re-think. The solution may be quite simple, or it may involve a more in-depth re-development in order to achieve your goals.

As an example, a customer recently came to us with an e-commerce website which was generating very few sales. They had become increasingly frustrated with their existing web designer’s apparent inability to ‘fix’ the problems, or even to follow the instructions of the SEO Specialists that they’d engaged.

We took over hosting and management of the website, and began an in-depth analysis of the existing website, working with the SEO Specialists. Together we produced a coherent plan, and set about implementing the ideas. The result? An increase in traffic within 2 months, and more sales generated as a result.

Just one example of how our Consultancy services can help to save a failing website and rescue a business.

If on the other hand, you have an ‘old’ website – in the industry, old means anything over 3 years old – it may be time for a complete refresh. Our team will work closely with you to understand your requirements, and put together a complete solution for you.
Your new website will be built using the latest HTML standards, and compliant-code ensuring that it will work well with the Search Engines, and ultimately, turn more of your visitors into customers!